Andiamo Pizza Eperia
MO – SU: 09:00 – 22:00
Andiamo Pizza
OC Eperia Prešov
Armádneho generála Svobodu 25
Tel. číslo: +421 905 044 000
Andiamo Trattoria, s.r.o.
Komenského 11/A
040 01 Košice
IČO: 50 352 920
IČ DPH: SK2120286333
zapísaná v OR Okresného súdu Košice I, odd.: Sro, vložka č.: 39248/V
E-mail: eperia@andiamopizza.sk
Web: www.andiamopizza.sk
Facebook: Andiamo Pizza Prešov
Instagram: Andiamo Group
Youtube: Andiamo Group, Andiamo Cooking
LinkedIn Andiamo Group
Andiamo Pizza is a stylish restaurant in the Eperia Shopping Centre in Prešov. It offers a wide selection of Italian meals, homemade pasta, crispy pizza, unpasteurised beer tapped directly from a tank, fine wines, fantastic coffee, delicious desserts and daily menu also at weekends. We put the greatest emphasis on the selection of ingredients and professional staff. All this creates a pleasant atmosphere at Andiamo Pizza, you can experience it too!