Andiamo Pizza Košice
MO - FR: 08:00 – 22:00
SA - SU: 09:00 - 22:00
SC Aupark Košice
Námestie Osloboditeľov 1
2nd Floor
Tel.: +421 917 167 315
E-mail: prevadzkar@andiamopizza.sk
Web: www.andiamopizza.sk
Facebook: Andiamo Pizza Aupark
Skype: andiamokosice
Instagram: Andiamo Group
Youtube: Andiamo Group, Andiamo Cooking
LinkedIn Andiamo Group
Andiamo Pizza is a stylish restaurant in the Aupark Shopping Centre in Košice. It offers a wide selection of Italian meals, homemade pasta, crispy pizza, Pilsner Urquell unpasteurised beer tapped directly from a tank, fine wines, fantastic coffee, delicious desserts and daily menu also at weekends. We put the greatest emphasis on the selection of ingredients and professional staff. Also, your children can prepare their own pizza in our restaurant. All this creates a pleasant atmosphere at Andiamo Pizza, you can experience it too!